Out with the old, in with the new

I’ll avoid the temptation to draw any parallels with the incoming vote tallies, but it’s time to get rid of one ancient, messed up, inadequate… plugin and usher in a new era… of posting [delicious.com](http://delicious.com) bookmarks to the site.

Say goodbye to [WordPre.cio.us](http://heisel.org/blog/2005/03/02/del2wp/) (neé delicious-to-WordPress aka del2wp), and hello to [Postalicious](http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/postalicious/).

I’ve been running on the site for the last few months, and it’s just great. It does everything [WordPre.cio.us](http://heisel.org/blog/2005/03/02/del2wp/) did and a whole lot more.

Aside: I’ve also cleaned up a bunch of ancient links on the site to my old Web “clips” and print clips (I believe I’ve now been away from Quark/InDesign longer than I ever actually used them), and I’m redirecting my [resumé](/resume/) to my [LinkedIn Profile](http://www.linkedin.com/in/cmheisel) and in act of typography nerddom I’ve installed [wp-hyphenate](http://kingdesk.com/projects/wp-hyphenate/).

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