Monthly Archives: September 2010

Good enough never is (or is it?)

Good enough never is (or is it?) – "When we’re talking about being disciplined, following our methodology with rigor, continuous improvement, there is no such thing as good enough. Our pursuit of learning is ongoing and our commitment is absolute. … Continue reading

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Slow-Running His Way to Fitness

Slow-Running His Way to Fitness – I'm just going to call my self "fit" rather than slow.

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Staying healthy and sane at a startup

Staying healthy and sane at a startup – My exercise has been getting more regular, need to work on the diet and time management bits.

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Use deadlines to become a learning organization

Use deadlines to become a learning organization – "When you miss a data-driven deadline, it becomes wildly apparent which steps were miscalculated. Such discussions that ensue are teaching moments. With data-driven deadlines you become a learning organization."

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django-newcache – Looks like a good replacement that handles cache versioning, consistent keys and herd problem mitigation. "If you're not using newcache you're doing it wrong."

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