I’m a huge RSS addict. If something isn’t available as RSS, then I’m likely not reading it, certainly not when I sit down with [The Sunday Internet] [sunday-internet].
But my time to sit down with [NetNewsWire] [nnw] is limited during the week, especially if we’re in the middle of big projects.
There’s nothing more disheartening than returning to your feed reader to find unread post counts in the triple digits for a single feed.
But, I found a nice gem in [NetNewsWire] [nnw] that helps keep that under control for feeds that are frequently updated.
* Control-click on the feed in question
* Select show info
* Click on the twister next to **Persistence**
* Click the checkbox **Use custom persistence setting**
* Click the radio button next to **For at least** and enter the number of days worth of back posts you’d like to retain.
* Feed flood problem taken care of!
[nnw]: http://www.newsgator.com/INDIVIDUALS/NETNEWSWIRE/
[sunday-internet]: /blog/2008/11/10/the-sunday-internet/