[Erica](http://ericaendicott.com) and I have been watching [Bablyon 5](http://babylon5.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page) on [Netflix](http://netflix.com) of late.
We just put the last envelope back in the mail, and I have to say: great concept and story, mediocre (or worse) execution.
I’m a relatively huge sci-fi geek (and I like programming, computers and gaming — here at Heisel’s Stereotypes ‘R’ Us we aim to please). I’ve tried to get better, as I’ve watched and read more sci-fi, at seperating the cerebral and the corporeal elements of the piece.
Bablyon 5 creates such a wonderfully rich and vibrant universe, replete with hard sci-fi concepts and just a touch of wonder. But man, the writing and the acting (which probably isn’t helped by the writing) are just not there.
I’d love to see some other folks take a stab with [JMS](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J._Michael_Straczynski)’s universe and characters.
If you’re a Bablyon 5 five, I don’t mean to sound like a [hater](http://nw.mit.edu/codeigniter2x/core/nathanwilson/images/why/hater_tots.jpg). I know what letting insane people [romp around in your universe can do](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Trek_Nemesis).
But I also have seen it done well.