Myghty needs some myghty good docs

Maybe it’s because I’ve never used [Mason](, but I’m having a hard time figuring out how to get started with [Myghty](

At the moment I’m just trying to play around with it and get a feel for how you use it but I have to say that [Django]( and [Rails]( have set the bar high for the “tell me how to dive in” user.

I understand that you can structure your [Myghty]( app in just about any way imaginable, and I appreciate that kind of flexibility, but it would be nice if there was something similar to the 10-minute Rails video, or the Django tutorial.

I’ve tried Googling and the best I can come up with is that you probably want to use [Myghty]( with [SQLObject]( and [Formencode](

But how, and what is the best way, to combine those three packages?

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3 Responses to Myghty needs some myghty good docs

  1. Ian Bicking says:

    Ben Bangert is doing some work (similar in spirit to TurboGears) to provide a more integrated experience, at — it’s at a pretty early stage (I don’t think he’s announced it or anything), but something to keep an eye out for.

  2. Chris says:


    Thanks for the pointer, it does look like a Django or TurboGears style project Ben is working on.

    I guess my complaint about Myghty is that it’s tough to find that “where do I start” point.

    I’ve since read the Mason book online, and I’ve got a better idea about the whole Myghty/Mason setup.

  3. Ben Bangert says:

    Shh, Pylons totally isn’t ready for actual use… sort of. Currently its nothing more than a basic integration of my Routes ( project with Myghty. What’s there so far will be merged into Myghty itself. I plan on adding a lot more integration with SQLObject and FormEncode to Pylons.

    I’ve found the Myghty documentation to be excellent, but you’re right that it has no “getting started” point. Coupled with the fact that Myghty allows you to use a MVC style paradigm, and its even more confusing where to start. Page-driven? Controller dispath? The flexibility provides a lot of choices with no clear answer.

    Part of my intention with Pylons was to make some choices to provide a usable starting point. I’m working on packaging some webapp directory templates with Myghty to provide one or two starting points to alleviate the ‘what next?’ confusion I’ve seen occur with Myghty.

    If you’re feeling adventurous, give Pylons a try. As I mentioned, its nothing more at this point than Myghty + Routes (Works just like Rails Routes). If you follow the instructions on the site, you should be left with a running webapp that gives you some directions on what to do next. Let me know how that works out (or doesn’t) for you. 🙂

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