Meet Myron

My new iPod shuffle: Myron
I was working from home today because my back decided it wanted a trial seperation from me!

It was a generally crummy day, made crummier by the 30 minute wait to get my hair cut at Great Clips. Yeah, I’m cheap, wanna fight about it?

Anyway, I arrive home from the aforementioned proprietor of famed trimmings, and [Erica]( surprises me with an iPod shuffle!

While, she loves me dearly, don’t think I’m such hot stuff that I warrant random gifts throughout the year.

Erica and I have finally started going to a gym, and Erica thought it would be perfect for me to have as a music-at-the-gym gadget. Also there may be some latent guilt involved, since the regular iPod that *she* got *me* for graduation a few years ago, somehow always ends up with *her*.

In fact, when plugged in to a computer, the iPod used to say “Chris’s iPod” and now — I guess reflecting her “ownernship is 9/10ths of the law” view of things — it says “Erica’s iPod.”

And speaking of names, I’ve named my iPod shuffle Myron. Props *and* a [G-mail]( invite to the first person to correctly guess who it’s named after….

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