Well, I’m back from my interview with The Atlanta Journal-Constitution.
Here’s what I learned:
- AJC.com is a really cool site
- They have a really great staff, with whom I’d love to work
- Dress shoes should be purchased for comfort, not just looks
- When you’re really late for a flight, those shoe screenings can really crimp your style
- I’m still so nervous about flying, that walking halfway to the plane with my shoes in hand still seems an acceptable security measure
- I really want this job — everyone I talked with seemed to have views and goals that totally meshed with my own
- Atlanta is a very cool city — but not in the temperature sense
- I really, really want this job
- Edit: Moveable Type doesn’t handle list-item tags well when you have the “convert line breaks” option checked.
I’ll, of course, update as soon as I hear anything.